The Ticket-IT ticketing system is totally equipped to handle large store networks either under one brand or multiple brand umbrellas. It’s as easy to send your product ticket information to 500 stores as it is to send it to 2 stores!
Absolutely, at Ticket-IT, we have integrations with ESL systems which will allow you to build your tickets and promotions through the Ticket-IT system and get them displayed on the ESL displays.
Yes! Ticket-IT has a list of systems that we are already integrated with and our team would be happy to show you how simple these integrations will be for your brand to use.
Ticket-IT has many users with many different ticket layouts. We have generic tickets that are simple and straightforward that we can supply you with, but some of our clients require very complex tickets with rules and dependencies and we are more than capable of supplying these layouts for them.
One of the reasons our users love Ticket-IT so much is because of our adaptability and flexibility. Ticket-IT absolutely has the capability to be flexible with your workflows and any promotional processes that would help you in your POS ticketing.
Ticket-IT supplies new users with branded training documentation and videos. Everyone also has full accessibility to our Ticket-IT videos and documentation that are on both Vimeo and YouTube.